Dr. Anil Srivastava

Professor at UTRGV
Research Areas
Precision Machining, Sustainability, Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Srivastava received his doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India in 1985. In 1996, he moved to Cincinnati, OH, USA and joined TechSolve, Inc. He served TechSolve Inc. for eighteen (18) years in various capacities, finally as Chief Technology Officer. He received more than fourteen million ($14,000,000) dollar research grant from NIST, DoD, AFRL and NSF. Dr. Srivastava has been member of several International Technical Organizations such as ASM International, SME, ASME, and CIRP. He has served on the Board of SME/NAMRI as Director during 2010-2013. He has been an invited/keynote speaker internationally and an editorial board member for the Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research and the International Journal of Nanomanufacturing. He has presented his work in USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, France, Brazil, India and China. He is the Fellow SME 2020.
Selected Publications
- Burhan Afzel, Xueping Zhang, and Anil Srivastava. "A Hybrid Physical Model Based Artificial Neural Network Approach to Predict Surface Roughness in Engine Cylinder Bore Honing," N.Y.: ASME-MSEC Conference Proceedings, 2020.
- Gurpreet Singh, Harish Kumar, Harmesh Kansal, and Anil Srivastava. "Effects of Chemically Assisted Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process Parameters on Material Removal of Inconel 625 tubes," Elsevier: Elsevier: Procedia Manufacturing, 48, 2020: 466-473.
- Jafar Ghorbani, James Li, and Anil Srivastava. "Application of optimized laser surface re-melting process on selective laser melted 316L stainless steel inclined parts," Elsevier: Journal of Manufacturing Processes 56, (August 2020): 726-734.
- Hiram Moya, Daniela Rojas-Quintero, and Anil Srivastava. "Renewable Energies: Reducing Cost-by-Expansion of The RGV Electric Utility Companies.," Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, 2019, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2019.
- Navneet Khanna, Anadh Gandhia, Bhavdeep Nakuma, and Anil Srivastava. "Optimization and analysis of surface roughness for INVAR-36 in end milling operations," No. International: Elsevier: Materials Today: Proceedings 5, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2018): 5281-5288.