Dr. Zhenyu Kong

Professor at Virginia Tech
Research Areas
Applications of Machine Learning for Manufacturing and Service Systems, Real-Time Sensing, Advanced Analytics, and Process Monitoring/Control for Smart Manufacturing
Recent Publications
- Shen, B., Xie, W., and Kong, Z.J., 2020, Clustered Discriminant Regression for High Dimensional Data Feature Extraction and its Application in Additive Manufacturing, accepted by IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering.
- Liu, C., Kong, Z.J., Babu, B., Joslin, C., and Ferguson, J., 2020, An Integrated Manifold Learning Approach and its Application for Online Process Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing, accepted by IISE Transactions.
- Liu, J.P., Zheng, J., Rao, P. and Kong, Z.J., 2020. Machine learning–driven in situ process monitoring with vibration frequency spectra for chemical mechanical planarization. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp.1-16, DOI:10.1007/s00170-020-06165-1.
- David Garcia, D., Hartley, W.D., Hunter A.R., Griffiths, R.J., Wang, R., Kong, Z.J., Zhu, Y., and Yu, H., 2020, “In situ investigation into temperature evolution and heat generation during additive friction stir deposition: A comparative study of Cu and Al-Mg-Si,” Additive Manufacturing. Vol. 34, p.101386, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101386.
- Haring, P. A., Singh, M., Koh, M., Cesewski, E., Dillard, D. A., Kong, Z. J., and Johnson, B. N., 2020, “Real-time characterization of hydrogel viscoelastic properties and solgel phase transitions using cantilever sensors,” Journal of Rheology, Vol. 6, No., 4, pp. 837-850.